We all enjoy the colors of autumn leaves. The changing fall foilage never fails to surprise and delight us. Do you ever wonder why and how a fall leaf changes color? Where do the yellow and orange colors come from? WHY DO LEAVES CHANGE COLOR?
I began to imagine our lives as those of leaves. We (humans) have the same sort of changing process and in it is a beautiful scientific reasoning. Change is needed to become better. And God made us for better.
We live in a culture bent toward self-improvement. We spend a lot of time analyzing ourselves and trying to figure out how to make the bad, better. From time to time, we all notice areas in our lives that we struggle with; Areas we wish could be different.
We fear people knowing the "bad" part of us... because in all reality, who wants to be known as the "mean, angry, snobby" woman/man? However, if we try to hide the unacceptable parts of our personalities, we can rapidly lose touch with who we truly are.
Occasionally, I struggle with my thoughts as previously read. I dont confide much in others and I rarely shed a tear. We often have little choice regarding the people and circumstances God brings into our lives, but I have come to learn (slowly) that I am becoming the person God wants me to be. Not who my coworker, church folk, family, friends, or acquaintances want me to be. But, that in which God created me to be.
The leaves flow with the process that God designed. The only limit to change in our lives, is the degree in which we don't reveal ourselves.
John Powell said this:
"We think we have to change, grow and be good in order to be loved. But rather we are loved and we receive His grace so we can change, grow and be good."
I hope you are all in good spirits. Enjoy this beautiful Autumn evening... :)
great post and lovely blog xx